Lady Wannabe Blog: Blogging & Staying Motivated

25 November 2014

Blogging & Staying Motivated

Hello everyone, 
I've been blogging for a while now and I can tell you it's not as easy as it seems-well unless you copy and paste from somewhere- you can call it easy but even then copy & paste requires work too. If you just started a new blog it might seem impossible to have readers and clicks.. even people who have been blogging for a while still look for new readers-

So when next you feel down and out of focus or you feel it's not worth it any more before you quit read;

1. Ask yourself why you started blogging! There are different reasons why people blog, some for income, to share knowledge, for fame--just too many reasons, some blog just because they love it. Knowing why you started in the first place will get you back on track.

2. Are you blogging the right thing? I mean what you love? Yes I know what I'm saying.. like I mentioned above people blog for a lot of reasons these days mostly for income which I'm not against but in my opinion you should blog about what you have passion for. For instance I will fail as a news/amebo blogger simply because I really don't know how to keep up with all those things(I mean it's not my business if Genevieve post a picture of her dog or not). So what I'm saying is be sure you are in the right niche that way even if it's not going well you still do it because it's what you love.

3. Read other blogs/find motivation! Yes, for me personally sometimes I feel mehhh.. I go around read my fave blogs, find new blogs and there comes the motivation. Apart from motivation exploring other blogs makes you aware of what is going on and probably new blog post ideas.

4. Appreciate and love your work, yes I mean seriously if you don't love yourself, who will? appreciate the little readers, comments and clicks you get. Don't go comparing yourself to some blogger who has been blogging for years or the one who can afford to splurge on everything. Love the little one you have.

Also remember don't be too hard on yourself if you're not in the mood don't blog! take a break! You don't have to post everyday :)

These are a few tips that keeps me motivated not just blog wise BTW.. I hope this helps one or two. Have a fabulous day! 

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  1. Nice post. These are great tips and reminders for when one gets bogged down.

    Don't Touch The Hair

  2. Thank you for this post, sometimes i always have to sit and think about why i started blogging...when i start thinking about unecessary things lol

  3. Great list! Blogging should really be summarized into 3 words: passion, purpose, profit. :)

  4. very nice blog post. Defintely keeps you in check when you start getting upset about your growth rate.

  5. Thanks for this post!! I've been less motivated for a while

  6. I really enjoyed reading, every now again I have to remind myself that building a blog takes time, but eventually it will take off :)

  7. I really needed this reminder, gosh!! I know it' what I enjoy doing on my spare time and it feels so much void and affirmation for my desire to create, to entertain and teach an audience on something creative. Its just so easy to fall of. I need to give serious space and time to it. Thanks sister!

  8. 2. Are you blogging the right thing?
    Very important. I'm still struggling with that. Finding my niche I mean so I am just rolling with whatever I feel like posting. Hopefully after I have blogged for a while, I'll find it.
    Lovely tips, I need to remember this. Nice job!


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