Lady Wannabe Blog: Inspirational Words From Joel Osteen From Past Week

16 April 2014

Inspirational Words From Joel Osteen From Past Week

Hello everyone,

Maybe you know or maybe not, I love Joel Osteens messages, teachings and all, they are quiet inspirational, I may not listen everyday but I do read some messages from Facebook everyday. I believe they make you believe in yourself, have hope for the future and help you better your life. If you do follow me on Facebook you'll notice I always share some of his messages. 
--If you had the talents of another person, it wouldn't help you; it would hinder you. They have a different destiny. Quit trying to outperform others and be happy with who you are.

--God’s plan for our life is not just to make us comfortable, it’s to mature us. You may not like where you are, but you wouldn't be there if God didn't have a purpose for it.

--Don’t wait for people to approve you, affirm you or validate you. Show them what you've got, and then the title, the approval and the recognition will come.

--Don’t believe the lies that you’re average. There is something you’ve been given that makes you unique, one of a kind. It’s not so much what you have, it’s the anointing God puts on it.

--Instead of fighting where you are, try a different approach. Embrace where you are. It may not be where you want to stay, but have faith that God is directing your steps.

I really do hope this short words sets you in a good mood or make you happy about your life. Like JOEL OSTEEN MINISTRIES on Facebook and get inspired daily.. I do everyday, I hope you do too :D 

Have a fabulous day! Stay blessed! 
Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. This spoke to me this morning....its truly inspiring!

    Thanks for sharing

  2. God really does have a purpose for each one of us. Nice Post.

    Thanks for sharing.


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