Lady Wannabe Blog: Makeup Expiry! Do You Follow The Rules?!

25 February 2015

Makeup Expiry! Do You Follow The Rules?!

Hello beauties,
If you are a makeup and beauty lover chances are you've googled makeup/beauty products expiry dates/shelf life or when to toss your makeup, this is normal because of course nobody want to cause more harm to their skin by using expired product. If you have have searched/googled expiry dates for makeup like I have then you know most makeup expires.

Here are the expiry date for some makeup products

Mascara, liquid or gel eyeliners-- 4 to 6 months
Cream, Liquid or Stick Foundations--6 months to 1 year
Powder-based products --2-3 years
Lipsticks, Lip Gloss, & Lip Pencils: 2-3 years
Lip Balms--1 year
Beauty blenders--3-4 months 

The question today is do you really follow them or should you follow them? Let's take mascara for example--it is said that you should toss them after 4 months, I have a few mascaras some I don't even use in weeks while some daily.. now the question is should I toss the one I hardly use just because of the rules? If a makeup product has expiry date then of course you just have to toss but most products don't come with -- most products I believe have 3-4 years lifespan e.g. foundations, blushes etc. 

Here is what to do-

For Foundations, powders, blush try to check manufactured dates/year before buying, I once bought a foundation on sale after only 6 months it started smelling gross I had to throw it out.

Try sanitizing your makeup, just because they put a lifespan on it doesn't mean you can't sanitize to get more use out of it, few sprays of rubbing alcohol will do, sanitizing will not only increase lifespan but also disinfect your makeup.

For mascaras in my opinion just use simple logic, the ones you use frequently toss after few months, the once in a while ones can stay little longer. The theory is the more you open and use the more the chances of getting bacteria into your mascara tube.

When they start smelling different or when the textures changes they don't belong on your shelf any more, honestly lady throw it out right now!! and as makeup sponges really??? I'll throw that out when it stops working! (****

--PS I'm not a makeup specialist/expert or anything but this is just my opinion and how I go about it--

Ok! now to you- when and why do you toss your makeup? Do you follow the rules as well? I'll love to hear a few tips and trick from you! *wink wink! Have a fabulous day!

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  1. I try to keep to the expiry dates to avoid harming my skin more but i guess i can forget some of them sometimes so i just try to buy 1 or 2 of whatever i use regularly and replace them only when they are about to finish/finished, that way most of them never get to the expiry dates.
    Modavracha | Blog

    1. I try to keep the packs as well just to always cross check. I never really buy extras until I'm done with one :)

  2. I always stick to the expiry date o, I have sensitive skin si I am not about to worsen it. I ene have a post up about this.

  3. This is a totally great post, women don't address this issue very much! Many of us hold onto things far longer than we should and also because we don't want to feel like we're 'wasting'. I have had and still have a few liquid foundations that are 1-3 years old. My mascaras and liquid eyeliners take me 4-6 months to finish, especially the ones I use everyday so the ones that I don't will be around for double that time, also because they are NOT affordable in singapore, I can't toss out $20 every 4 months like that! I've had some lipglosses that went very bad smelling after some time so that reminds me on how important it is to be able to let go of things and to take note of their manufacturing date! Thanks for this post!

    1. haha u're so right we hold onto some things for sentimental reasons, it's hard to throw away stuff especially when it's expensive haha!

  4. I follow this rule for my sponges, nail polishes and mascaras. Everything else I watch for change in texture, color or smell. I espevilly don't play with mascara cause I have sensitive eyes and boy does expired mascara burn and sting like crazy! I usually but the sample sizes if i can because they last just as long as they expire...3-4 months!

    Oreleona | Pristine's Bliss

    1. I've been a victim of expired mascara so I know what you mean, lol! but I do keep my polishes for a while tho

  5. I don't use my make up for more than 8months no matter if its pencil, lipstick etc
    I just don't feel good with usiing it for long


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