Lady Wannabe Blog: Eyelash Curlers?! One Or Two Tips!

Eyelash Curlers?! One Or Two Tips!

Hello beauties,
I used to be scared of eyelash curlers, they used to freak me out, ahh won't this hurt my eye, uhmm what about my lashes--ohh no they will fall out-- Thanks to one of Olumakeovers posts which changed my mind haha! I only started using curlers about a year and half ago and honestly they do make a difference, even though at first I never felt like it did.

When you find a perfect eyelash curler for your eye shape there is no going back really! I first got Avon Stylish Curler which was good but doesn't get to the corners of the eye-- well Sasatinnie eyelash curler changed the game it fits just perfectly for my tiny eyes! If you use them properly then you might not be able to live without them?

Tips to getting beautiful curls
- Start from the root of your lash hold it for about 10 seconds, then slowly move to the middle hold it for another 5-10 seconds, do same for the tip.
-Use your hair dryer to heat up your curler and hold curler up to about 5-6 seconds-- I don't know the logic behind this but it gives beautiful curls and excellent results.(please make sure the curler isn't hot!)
-You can also curl after mascara, once you've applied your mascara, just go ahead and curl as usual and separate lashes afterwards with a wand or lash comb.
-Not a curling tip but you can use your curler to tight line, simple apply your eyeliner to the curler pad and curl your lashes.. make sure to start from the root for excellent result. 

Cleaning is actually very very easy! super easy! Just gently remove your lash pad and clean with your eye/makeup remover do the same for the part above the pad. Voila!  

So I've heard Shu Uemura curlers are great as well! Have you tried them? Do you use eyelash curlers? Any tips & tricks?! Let me know your thought! :) Have a lovely day and stay fabulous! 

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1 comment :

  1. Thanks for these great tips. I have actually never used one before. Maybe I will give it a go.


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