Lady Wannabe Blog: Style Master Synthetic Precision Brushes

Style Master Synthetic Precision Brushes

Hello everyone, hope you guys are doing ok? 

I was randomly searching on eBay the other day and I stumbled on these brushes at first I was like hmmm, then I Google-ed LOL and read some nice reviews about similar brushes and I just gave it a shot. When I got these brushes I was surprised, they are all super soft and dense except the flat top one. Finding good quality brushes is kinda hard, they are either expensive or bad quality.. well there are some inexpensive ones with great quality tho.

I have been using these brushes since April 2014 and I've cleansed and washed them so many times and they haven't shredded one bit like seriously it hasn't moved. I saw some reviews where they were compared to Sigma precision brushes, I don't own them but from the pictures I have seen they look quite similar but the sigma brushes look more dense than the style master ones.

There are many sets BTW but I picked the four set one, which includes Precision Flat, Round, Angled and Tapered. I have not used the angled one at all (I don't know why) but I use the precision flat (looks more like stippling brush to me) to buff in foundation mostly around the corners of my nose something use it to buff in concealers, I use the precision round to blend in concealers especially under the eye area it's just super soft and gentle I also use it to apply eye primer to my lid, I think it can be use for cream shadows too (well I haven't tried it) as for the precision tapered brush I use it to blend my brow concealer it is just PERFECT no jokes, you can also use this for eye-shadow (again I haven't tried it). 
All in all I recommend these brushes super affordable and good quality.. I mean it's just a bargain buy plus it's so inexpensive you won't feel it. LOL! They also have the face set which I'm planning on getting pretty soon. 

I bought mine from eBay I have seen similar on Ali express and Amazon in case one doesn't ship to your country try the other PS Ali express offers FREE shipping worldwide *winkwink

Have you tried this brushes before? What is(are) your favourite brush(es)??.. Have a lovely day! 

USD4.80 RM15.27
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  1. Great review, these brushes sound good and affordable, I might actually try them out.

  2. I love to check out reviews before buying products too.

  3. I would try these brushes out really

  4. Still waiting to splurge a little on a brush set, may look into these. I know I have a elf brush that I love, and it does its job really well and is very affordable.

  5. Nice! I love the design,it's a bit different from your everyday make-up brushes.

  6. Especially the sigma brushes, very pricey. It's good to know these are great finds. You do such good reviews


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